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Would buying this on itch come with a Steam key?

So you can also have it from Steam :]


hey there, I was hoping I could talk to you about your game, but I can't find any contact info outside of here.  Can you send me an email to

Deleted 1 year ago

I'll delete this comment since I don't think it's a good idea to be spreading the source of it out in the open like this but I do greatly appreciate the heads up.

Congrats on the Switch launch! You got me to buy this game a second time :) But, uh... could you get Summitsphere to make Vertical Mode rotate the screen in either direction - you know, like literally every other game with a vertical option? Actual monitors made for vertical rotation only turn in one direction, and it's the other direction (at least for mine, but I'm pretty sure for most). Playing in TATE was a big reason I paid for the game again, but I'm very disappointed that right now I can only do so upside-down.


Thank you! We're looking into adding that in as a feature for an update soon.

Just wanted to note that the patch is out and my vertical-capable monitor is very happy now :)

...But, uh, the in-game music is now failing to loop properly. About every 17 seconds it starts over. It gets even weirder when rubies are grabbed. How did this even get messed with? It's insufferable. Guess I'm waiting for ANOTHER patch to fix what this one broke :(


No clue what broke or why for this; rest assured I'll have a fix for it soon though.

So THAT patch is finally out, and I can now play without my ears wanting to bleed.

HOWEVER. Now all the text is misaligned. "1UP" and "HI-SCORE" are cut off at the top of the screen; "CAST" and "SCORING" in the intro are half buried under the game logo; the coin count doesn't line up with the coin; other messages stick half a character height above the black-background box provided for them. Even Achievement messages are cut off.

There's "clearly didn't playtest for even half a minute", and then there's "clearly didn't even LOOK at the patched game before shipping it". It's beyond reprehensible - it's pitiable at this point. This game deserves better than this. I look forward to three months from now when this is patched and something even more obviously and immediately apparent is needlessly broken at the same time.


A patch is now live that fixes this issue.


Ummm, do you know that TATE Mode exists?


TATE Mode is a vertical mode exclusive to the Switch, sorry!


I was talking about the Switch version the whole time. Which is why I referenced the company that published that version. This was just the only place I knew I could contact the original dev, as I'm sure they'd want to see the port be the best it can be and could probably help coerce the publisher to do something about it. (Incidentally, Summitsphere did respond that they'd be fixing it.)

I'm also playing the Steam version and it only has keyboard support. I'm currently using an 8bitdo SFC30 connected via USB and other supported games work with it.

Use JoyToKey! It takes your controller's inputs and converts them to keyboard inputs in order to be able to use any controller without compatibility issues! Download it here:

Nice, I'll give it a try.

Hey, noticed the windows sleep margin option is set to 10, even though this is a GM Studio 2 game... Mind turning that down to 1? That'll make the game stop using 100% cpu. Thank you.

hey haven't bought it just yet but i'm considering it...

is it possible to port this to the switch or something though?

Apparently, yes.


holy crap

I know, right?

Fun game.  It's unfortunate that it can't be installed with the Itch desktop launcher, though.


This game is great!


Can we have this game ported to both Mac and Linux someday? Great job on this game by the way. :)


Thanks! Hopefully I can get a Mac version out some day soon. Linux may still be a ways away however.

What's up with Linux?

I can't export to Linux without a Linux device, and I don't have any

That makes sense.

(1 edit)

Maybe use something like VirtualBox to emulate some common Linux distro so you don't need to have a Linux machine?

While at that, if you do a Linux build, might I suggest compiling the game as an AppImage file as well?

Hey man i can't get controllers to work on this version. Is there a way to get joystick support. The steam version says it has it. If this does not have it can you refund me and I'll just buy the steam version

Can you tell me what controller you're using? There might be a controller type that I didn't account for.

If you'd like to refund this version, that's something I can't grant on my end; from what I can tell you have to go through's support page for that.

I thought the entire point of linux was to be installed on any device you already own. I get maybe not wanting to get rid of Windows though.


Any updates on the mac version


I want a Mac version too :)


Will you make a Mac version?

I plan to some day in the future! It's not on the agenda at the moment, however.


love this game, is there a way to license for arcades?


This is an awesome game



(4 edits) (+1)

What is the actual resolution of the game? Trying to get a perfect output on my CRT. That's right i play all my modern games on my Crt's both horizontal and Vertical :D

4.3 Full screen mode without borders would be sweet

The native resolution without the borders on is 7:9!

(2 edits) (+1)

No I'm not talking about the aspect ratio. But after further investigation and analyzing the screenshots it's 288×224 60hz Same as Dig Dug. Now it looks great!

(1 edit)

Hello! Would it be possible to tag your download for Windows proper? I think it might not be able to be downloaded and run through the itch app because of this.

Whoops, I meant to do that before sending the update out but I forgot. Thanks for the reminder!

(1 edit) (+1)

Yo, thanks a lot! That fixed it. Great game - very authentic to an arcade experience, haha!


Awesome game! I wonder whether it could be ported to some retro hardware (maybe even to an arcade platform)... Check out for instance Fix-It Felix Jr. on Sega Genesis for inspiration: 


I'd say it's possible! I don't have the time to figure that out myself, but I'm also curious to see if it could really be done.


It's cool that you're interested in this idea.  Well, for instance, the creators of Alwa's Awakening (NES-inspired indie game) asked the community for help (on Twitter in this case), and it is currently being ported to the actual NES hardware... --

Deleted post
(2 edits) (+1)

You might find it interesting that the GBA Jam 2021 has just started, a retro coding event which celebrates the 20th anniversary of Game Boy Advance:

Here you can find a list of retrodevelopment and reverse-engineering Discords: Including one for PlayStation 1, and if you join the Emulation Development Discord you should also find links there to GameCube/Wii/Wii U/Xbox 360 emulation/development communities. The communities should help you get started with links to resources, and show you how to test your programs on original hardware or via emulation.

Check out this video as well, Making a Game for FIVE Different Consoles - Ludum Dare 46 [PS Vita, Nintendo DS, Wii, GameCube, and PSP]: Good luck!

Deleted post

It would be awesome on Evercade imo.


I really, REALLY love this! The characters are simple yet expressive, movement is tight and refined, the gameplay itself is like Pacman mixed with Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong! Arcade game enthusiest should DEFINITALY take a look at this!

Deleted post



You learn a new word every day!

man these are some wise words ngl

This is sick. I love it. I know its a super niche request but do you think you could add a vertical bezel for those of us that have a vertical monitor?


I may look into it in the future!


I just bought your game moment ago, GREAT GAME!!!

I have one question, how can I set up a joystick? I did try the game settings but all I can dis to redefine the keys...

The game should be able to switch over to a gamepad automatically when you connect it. If that isn't working then I'd suggest Joy2Key as a temporary solution. What kind of joystick are you using?

After posting this post, I did try with a Razer Wolverine Ultimate , and it now works. However, it doesn't work with Mayflash Arcade F300 Elite or with my MadCatz SF V TE2. Later on, I will give it a try with the Joy2Key.

(1 edit)

I got my Mayflash F300 (non-elite) to work by switching to Xinput instead of Dinput. I haven't had much luck getting Dinput pads to work with the game so far.

Thank you very much, will give it a try later during the day :)

Deleted post

Can you plug a controller in and play it?




Can you do a LINUX build? It's the only thing stopping me from purchasing. Thanks!

I can try to look into it some day!


This is a great challenging game for 1CC players! All the references are spot-on and the gameplay feels unique.

Version 1.1 is now live! Check out the changelog here:


I love it ! Pure Retro Arcade ! It's tons of fun, that's what retro gaming is ! Well done. The only option i miss (unless i did not see it) is the ability to have scanlines, otherwise it's just perfect ! Many thanks !!!!


A really solid, fun, and appealing arcade-style game! The scene transitions towards the next level are fun to watch, and getting to master the game through perfecting levels feels extremely rewarding! Nice balance of old school difficulty and fun platforming! Well worth the $5!!!   

This looks really cool.  Is it made with Unity by any chance? I'd love to port it to Mac/Linux

The game was made in Game Maker Studio 2!

Lol, I made a game in the style of a 1980s arcade game, but yours is better than mine! My game is modelled after arcade games of the late 1980s.

A demo version would be great.

A demo version is available on the SAGE website!

Thank you!!!

Made a video

This game looks great, shame I'll not get to play it on Linux Mint.

May well work just fine under Wine. Would be nice if there was a demo we could try

There's the SAGE 2020 demo, give this a whirl in WINE:


Plays perfectly. No issues at all 😃


Annalynn for smash

Is this fully released? Product info says "In development."

I thought I fixed that before I put up the page but apparently not. It should say "released" now though!

Cool! Btw would we be able to get a Steam key included with an purchase?


Nope, this page is just to purchase the version. If you want the game on Steam then you'll have to buy it on there.


It's good I played it and I liked it.


I love this game and have played it a bunch! It's extremely charming, and the way Annalynn and the snakes have asymmetrical movesets from each other makes for a lot of really interesting routing. It's kind of like if a game was all the really tense, near-miss moments of Pac-Man back to back?

I've been trying really hard to unlock different outfits, because I'm a sucker for that stuff - I've only gotten the first two so far. I haven't found a reliable way to get all the snakes to clump together so I can get all four in a single gem; it feels kind of random whether I'll be able to get them all in time. So I keep near-missing perfects by just that much.

If there's a strategy I'm missing, please give me some tips! I want those outfit colors.

Thanks! There's not really a particular "one size fits all" strategy that works with every stage. Every snake has its own strategies for reaching the player and choosing what tunnel to go through, however.

I was wondering if they each had a unique targeting strategy!

They all do! I'll leave what those strategies actually are up for you to figure out though ;)

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